The Most Dangerous People

I always find it interesting when someone with confidence tells me “I have shot a gun before, so I think I'll be okay.” A major part of the reason why we see all these accidents with firearms is because of that exact line of thought and attitude toward firearms.
Here is a good example to put it into perspective. To become a nail technician in Florida, the training is 2 months long and requires over 300 hours of training. Yet for some reason, many people think “going to a range a few times” with no formal training is adequate enough to be prepared to defend themselves or their family.

As a general test, we would normally ask people to come in to show their handling proficiency and firearm knowledge. 99% of the time, that initial session ends with the realization of that they didn't know much at all.
The regular Florida Concealed Weapons Permit Class is inadequate if you are a beginner because it does not teach you any firearm safety, handling, or marksmanship. And if you are saying things like “I have shot before” or “I have gone to the range before,” you are a beginner.
Choosing to have get permit and conceal carry with the full understanding that you are risking hurting yourselves and others, makes the untrained carriers; THE MOST DANGEROUS PEOPLE in town.
Why not take the time to get serious and actually get trained?
Doesn't your protection and safety deserve better?
Please take it seriously, your safety and the safety of your loved ones depend on it.
