(305) 929 3847

High Valued Targets, or HVTs as they say in street gangs, are high net-worth individuals, celebrities, athletes, or public figures that would qualify for a big "score". This score would be in the form of a robbery, burglary, or home invasion.
Our personalized training program addresses personal and family protection while making it a fun and enjoyable throughout the process.
The goal of training is to give you an edge, a plan, and the training necessary to defend yourself and your family.
As an HVT; you should know what an ambush plan is, you should know what a fatal funnel is, you should have a safe room plan, you should understand all of the tools available to you.

As an HVT it's not a matter of IF; it’s a matter of when you will be the focus of a major threat.
Are you ready ?
Let's start with a personal assessment today, please email us at:
***Please note: in the subject line of your email, please use the code "HVT"
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